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Donations to the Library

We gladly accept publications in which members of Berlin University of the Arts have been involved.

Other media donations must align with the Library’s collection profile.

You can hand in up to three items directly at our library. The processing, alternative use, or disposal of the materials is at the discretion of the University Library. Please note that unsolicitedly sent publications will not be returned in the case of a negative decision. Additionally, we do not issue personalized letters of thanks or donation receipts.

Due to limited capacity and existing backlogs, we must restrict the acceptance of larger donations (more than three titles) to a minimum. Media that relate to the University of the Arts and match our collection profile are welcome. Unfortunately, works already in our collection cannot be accepted due to space constraints.

If you would like to offer a donation to the UdK Library, we kindly ask you to contact the corresponding subject specialist in advance and provide as much detail about the works as possible. To facilitate checking whether the media are already in our collection, it would be helpful if you could cross-reference the titles in our knowledge portal and send us a list of works that are not yet in our collection (for book lists: title, author, year and place of publication, and, if available, ISBN).

Thank you for your support!