Introductory events for new students
Brochure "Essentials for the start of studies"
Every year, the Student Advisory Service compiles up-to-date information (not only) for first-year students in a brochure. You can find a digital version of this brochure here.
Welcoming the freshmen
In the first week of lectures of the winter semester, there is the "Begrüßun der Erstsemester" (Freshers' Welcome) - a large, official event with a stage programme and information stands on the start of studies. The President of the UdK Berlin opens this event and welcomes the new students. You can get more information by Email on your UdK-Account.
Welcome Week for international students
A Welcome Week for new international students (degree-seeking and exchange students) takes place every semester in the week before the start of lectures, organised by the International Office.
In the Welcome Meeting and the How-to-study workshop, international degree-seeking students receive important information for the start of their studies. Various social activities, such as a campus rallye, guided city walks, Speedfriending and a Schnippeldisco, offer plenty of opportunities to get to know each other and discover the university.
The dates are published a few weeks before the start of the semester on the International Office's events page.
Introductory events
At the beginning of the semester, the faculties offer introductory events in the individual degree programmes, sometimes even introductory days. Lecturers as well as students from higher semesters inform you here about everything you need to know for a successful start to your studies, and you have the opportunity to get to know each other better.
In addition, there are introductory days at the University Library.
The dates are announced before the start of the semester here on the website, n the course catalogue and/or on a notice board in the buildings of your degree programme.