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Nominee Exhibition and Winners of the UdK Berlin Art Award 2024

[Translate to English:] Die Preisträger*innen des UdK Berlin Art Award 2024: Lisa Hoffmann, Dahye Jeong, Bella Bram, Mania Godarzani-Bakhtiari

 source: MH/ Universität der Künste Berlin

We warmly congratulate all nominees on the successful Nominee Exhibition and are proud to announce this year's award winners.

The recipients of the UdK Berlin Art Awards 2024 are:

  • Bella Bram
  • Lisa Hoffmann
  • Mania Gogarzani-Bakhtiari
  • Dahye Jeong

We are eagerly looking forward to the upcoming group exhibition of all award winners in December at the Kommunale Galerie Berlin.

More Infos.

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