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ViSoP – Visual Society Program

In the Visual Society Program (ViSoP), design students from the UdK Berlin work together with social scientists from the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. This introduces the participants to the methods and fields of work of the other discipline. The program’s goal is to promote a better understanding of how to explain complex issues and to jointly develop interdisciplinary approaches in research. ViSoP projects run for a minimum of twelve months. Master’s students in Prof. Skopec’s Visual Systems class work directly with the social scientists in the research units of the WZB. For their joint work, the participants can access the resources of both institutions. They are free to use the workshops, studios, and facilities at the UdK Berin as well as the library at the WZB with its extensive social science databases.


The program was launched in 2014 and, according to the cooperation agreement between the UdK Berlin and the WZB, is set to run indefinitely.