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Jana Koslovski

Abschlussarbeit/Meisterschüler*in, Installation Raum 91/Ha33, 2019

The real, at first unknown room (Atelier 91) becomes a familiar space over years of use. In the final thesis it is read as a stage. The stage is to be thought of as a place where the bodies are caught and represented. It is necessary to feel this (stage), to focus on the architecture of the space and to translate it into artistic practice - to find a language and a vocabulary for the questions and answers regarding the political purpose of the spaces.

The focus of the spatial works will be on the basic elements of spatial, image and body architecture. The objects consist of individual parts taken from Room 91 and the UdK Berlin building. The installation does not prescribe a fixed placement or the final number of parts.

source: Jana Koslovski
source: Jana Koslovski
source: Jana Koslovski