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Foyer at Einsteinufer

source: Johannes Bock

Foyer at Einsteinufer, Einsteinufer 43-53

The foyer of the UdK building at Einsteinufer is regularly used as a space for exhibitions and events. Designtransfer, the gallery and transfer point of the College of Architecture, Media and Design at UdK Berlin (, frequently uses the luminous foyer of the UdK building at Einsteinufer as an environment and platform for communication, both for the University and for the public. Designtransfer also utilizes this popular space for its current design work, as well as for project presentations, lectures, and other events.  

Partner universities of the UdK, the “Freundeskreis der UdK Berlin” (an organization that supports and promotes recent graduates), and other institutions connected to the UdK also present their work and projects in the foyer.