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Impressions from 2022 – Welcoming of the new students

Emily Thomey (cultural journalist) welcomes the new students as moderator in the Concert Hall of the UdK Berlin.

Emily Thomey (cultural journalist) welcomes the new students as moderator in the Concert Hall of the UdK Berlin

 source: Nikolaus Brade

Welcoming speach by Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz, President of the Berlin University of the Arts

 source: Nikolaus Brade

Presentation of the DAAD-Prize 2022: Winner Morten Larsen (Jazz-Institut Berlin) and laudator Prof. Paulo Morello (Jazz-Institut Berlin).

 source: Nikolaus Brade

DAAD-winner Morten Larsen (bass) and Prof. Paulo Morello (guitar) present a jazz piece by Morten Larsen

 source: Nikolaus Brade

DAAD-winner 2022 Morten Larsen (Jazz-Institute Berlin).

 source: Nikolaus Brade

Viktor Petrov (Faculty of Fine Arts) is one of three winners of the Fine Art Prize of the President of the UdK Berlin 2022.

 source: Nikolaus Brade

Faculty of Performing Arts – Students of the Musical/Show program (3rd year) present excerpts from their program of the "Gesangswerkstatt Musical 2022", Tara Friese, Laura Goblirsch, Fabio Kopf, Nathan John.

 source: Nikolaus Brade

Program of the "Gesangswerkstatt Musical 2022".

 source: Nikolaus Brade

Prof. Dr. Philipp Hübl presents the Studium Generale at the UdK Berlin.

 source: Nikolaus Brade

Leon Erhorn introduces the General Student Committee (AStA), the Student Parliament (StuPa) and the Student Council Conference (FSRK).


Meet & Greet: At the concert hall foyer, students come into contact with departments of the UdK Berlin and Berlin cultural institutions.

 source: Nikolaus Brade

Meet & Greet: At the concert hall foyer, students come into contact with departments of the UdK Berlin and Berlin cultural institutions.

 source: Nikolaus Brade

Meet & Greet: At the concert hall foyer, students come into contact with departments of the UdK Berlin and Berlin cultural institutions.

 source: Nikolaus Brade

Video - The Welcoming Event at the Berlin University of the Arts

Impressions from 2020 - digital welcoming event

Welcoming speach by Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz, President of the Berlin University of the Arts

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

Katrin Gottschalk, deputy editor-in-chief of the taz and lecturer at the Berlin Career College led through the program

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

Presentation of the DAAD Prize 2020: Laudation by Prof. Ina Weber, Professor of Sculpture at the UdK Berlin

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

Presentation of the DAAD Prize 2020: Prof. Ina Weber, Professor of Sculpture, honours the prize winner Umut Azad Akkel, study programme in Fine Arts/Sculpture and New Media

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

AAD Prize Winner 2020 Umut Azad Akkel, Fine Arts/Sculpture and New Media programme

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

UdK Alumni - a graduate reports: Anna Nowicka, Alumna MA Choreography Inter-University Centre for Dance (HZT)

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

"Ensemble Mosatrïc" - Stelina Apostolopoulou (soprano), Marijn Seiffert (violin), Clara Baesecke (violoncello)

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

"Ensemble Mosatrïc" - Stelina Apostolopoulou (soprano), Marijn Seiffert (violin), Clara Baesecke (violoncello)

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

"Ensemble Mosatrïc" - Stelina Apostolopoulou (soprano), Marijn Seiffert (violin), Clara Baesecke (violoncello)

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

Agnes Kelm (Product Design) presents the design collection Gift Rebels

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

Philipp Keßel (Acting)

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

Philipp Keßel (Acting)

 source: UdK Berlin Marketing

Impressions from 2019

Begrüßung der Erstsemester 2019

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Begrüßung der Erstsemester 2019

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Begrüßung der Erstsemester 2019

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Begrüßungsrede von Prof. Martin Rennert, Präsident der UdK Berlin

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Moderator Sascha Quade

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Begrüßung der Erstsemester 2019

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Beitrag von Claudius Hausl, Meisterschüler der Bildenden Kunst und Alumni der UdK Berlin

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Begrüßung der Erstsemester 2019

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Informationsrunde (v.l.n.r.): Dr. Dietmar Schenk (Leiter Universitätsarchiv), Christine Reiß und Max Liebstein (AStA - Die Studierendenvertretung), Julia Helms (Career & Transfer Service Center), Prof. Dr. Armin Chodzinski (Studium Generale), Dennis Fuchs (ehemaliger Outgoing-Student)

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Dr. Dietmar Schenk (Leiter Universitätsarchiv) spricht über die Geschichte der Universität der Künste Berlin. Daneben Christine Reiß und Max Liebstein (AStA - Die Studierendenvertretung

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Christine Reiß spricht über die Aktivitäten des Allgemeinen Studierendenausschusses. (links daneben: Dietmar Schenk, Leiter (Universitätsarchiv), rechts daneben: Max Liebstein (AStA – Die Studierendenvertretung) und Julia Helms (Career & Transfer Service Center))

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Peter Lund moderiert einen Ausschnitt aus dem Musical „Drachenherz“ an.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Musical-Beitrag "Drachenherz" mit Nicola Kripylo, Tristan Giovanoli, Denis Riffel (4. Jhg. Studiengang Musical / Show).

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Musical-Beitrag "Drachenherz" mit Nicola Kripylo, Tristan Giovanoli, Denis Riffel (4. Jhg. Studiengang Musical / Show).

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Professor Martin Rennert, Präsident der UdK Berlin

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Meet & Greet bei der Begrüßung der Erstsemester 2019.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Meet & Greet bei der Begrüßung der Erstsemester 2019.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Meet & Greet bei der Begrüßung der Erstsemester 2019.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Meet & Greet bei der Begrüßung der Erstsemester 2019.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Meet & Greet bei der Begrüßung der Erstsemester 2019.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Impressions from 2021 - Welcoming the First Semester in Attendance

Registration Welcoming the First Semester 2021

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Emily Thomey (cultural journalist) welcomes the new students as moderator in the Concert Hall of the UdK Berlin

 source: Daniel Nartschick

The President of the UdK Berlin, Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz, welcomes the new students to the UdK Berlin.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Presentation of the DAAD Prize 2021: Laudatio by Anna Anders, Professor for the Design of the Moving Image, for the award winner Dalís Pacheco Salcedo.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

The winner of the DAAD Prize 2021 Dalís Pacheco Salcedo (Visual Communication program)

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Lea Kohnen (voice/musical theater major) talks about her semester abroad in London.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Lea Kohnen (voice/musical theater major): Impressions from London

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Performance by Fabio Kopf (study course Muscial/Show), accompanied by Dominik Franke (piano).

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Fabio Kopf (study course Muscial/Show) during his performance

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Nina Vollbracht (architecture program) is the winner of the Max Taut Prize 2021.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Nina Vollbracht presents her project "House without address".

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Steven Thelen is the winner of the Prize of the President of the UdK Berlin for Master Students of Fine Arts 2021.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Steven Thelen talks about his work "Standard Ideal"

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Students at the welcoming event in the Concert Hall of the UdK Berlin

 source: Daniel Nartschick

The Vocalimpro-ensemble of the Jazz Institute Berlin - Zuzanna Jasinski, Prof. Céline Rudolph, Atrin Madani and Emil Wahlgren - during their performance.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

The Vocalimpro-ensemble of the Jazz Institute Berlin - Zuzanna Jasinski, Prof. Céline Rudolph, Atrin Madani and Emil Wahlgren - during their performance.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Alumna Kasia Kucharska (Fashion Design) talks about her work as a fashion designer and her studies at the UdK Berlin.

 source: Daniel Nartschick

Prof. Dr. Philipp Hübl introduces the Studium Generale at the UdK Berlin

 source: Daniel Nartschick