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General Students’ Committee (AStA)


AStA is the abbreviation for “Allgemeiner Studierendenauschuss” which can be translated to General Students’ Committee. The AStA represents the student body officially. Its members are elected separately by the Student Parliament for a period of one year each.

The AStA’s mission is to support and defend the interests of UdK students inside and outside of the university, as well as managing the ongoing affairs of the student body.

Departments and responsibilities

Department of Finance
Narges Derakhshan
(Course of Studies: Communication in Social and Economic Contexts)
finanzen_ @asta-udk-berlin.deBills, contracts

Department of Social Affairs
Annagul Beschareti
(Course of studies: Fine Arts Teacher Training)
soziales_ @asta-udk-berlin.deApplications for social and project funding, Counselling for BAföG-loans, housing benefits and studying with children

Department of University Politics (Internal)
Maithu Bui
(Course of studies: Fine Arts)
unipolitik_ @asta-udk-berlin.deStudy regulations, University Law, other laws, Academic Senate

Department of Higher Education Politics (External)
Kolja Richard
(Course of studies: Fine Arts Teacher Training)
semesterticket_ @asta-udk-berlin.deSemester ticket, student workers, higher education policy, Study regulations, connection to other students bodies

Department of Student Networking and Interdisciplinarity
Max Liebstein
(Course of studies: Fine Arts)
vernetzung_ @asta-udk-berlin.deStudent representatives in university boards, faculty councils, student councils

Department of Intercultural Affairs and Anti-Discrimination
Samara Hammud
(Course of Studies: Visual Communication)
interkulturelles_ or antidis_ @asta-udk-berlin.deInternational students, Fairness and equality, discrimination in academic contexts

Department of Communication
Bonnie Cheng
(Course of studies: Fine Arts)
kommunikation_ @asta-udk-berlin.deeigenart-magazine, website, social media

Department of Student Employees
Christine Reiß
(Course of Studies: Communication in Social and Economic Contexts)
personal_ @asta-udk-berlin.deRepresentation of student workers (tutors, "SHK", etc.)


AStA der UdK Berlin
Hardenbergstraße 33, Room 9d
D-10623 Berlin

Telephone: +49 030 3185-2464
Instagram: @asta_udk_berlin 

Postal address

Universität der Künste Berlin
Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AStA)
Postfach 12 05 44
D-10595 Berlin