For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.

Fine Arts

Application periods and requirements

Application period
05 February –05 March for the following winter semester


Entrance requirements

• Special artistic talent
• Sufficient knowledge of German (Language certificate German A2 for application and Language certificate German B2 for enrolment)

Duration of studies/ Degree

- Standard period of study: 10 semesters

- Degree: Absolvent of the Berlin University of the Arts (A)

Upon passing the final examination within the standard period of study and being awarded the grade "passed with distinction"
the graduate receives a certificate with the title „Meisterschüler*in der Universität der Künste Berlin“.

Your application - step by step

IAll of the following steps must be taken within the application deadline of the respective degree programme. It is recommended that you apply as early as possible within the application deadline so that you can clarify any questions that arise with our StudyGuide in good time.

  1. Register and verify yourself (if you have not already done so in the past) in the Campus Management Portal of the UdK Berlin:
  2. Log in to the Campus Management Portal ( and submit an application for admission to the desired degree programme there by the application deadline and upload the following formal documents in a PDF file (max. 20 MB) to the application portal during the application process:                            

    ● Curriculum vitae in tabular form

    ● Bank statement as proof of payment of the fee of 30 € for processing the application (in case of transfer from abroad proof of payment) or turnover view (in case of online banking). Other proofs/receipts (such as transfer orders) are not accepted. (For further information: see under 3.)

    ● International applicants must also provide proof of their German language skills: language certificate German A2 for application and language certificate German B2 for enrolment. You can find more information here.

    ● Students transferring from comparable degree programmes are strongly recommended to enclose a class confirmation from a professor and proof of previous study and examination achievements. You can find more information here
    and under the section "Transfer students".

  3. Information on transferring the 30 €: please transfer the fee for participation in the admission procedure to the following accountI
    Kasse der UdK Berlin
    Berliner Volksbank
    IBAN: DE 72 1009 0000 8841 0150 46
    Reason for payment: 35/01036, degree programme, name, application number

    Berliner Volksbank eG
    Budapester Straße 35
    10787 Berlin

    For foreign bank transfers:
    Please make sure that you pay all applicable transfer fees (OUR - sender pays costs) when making the transfer.

Are you an applicant from the PR China, Vietnam or India?

Are there any formal documents missing from your application? Find out how to submit them here.

Transfer students

Students from a Fine Arts degree programme at another university wishing to transfer to the Fine Arts programme at UdK Berlin also apply within the application deadline and take part in the artistic admission procedure (portfolio and examination or interview).

They are also strongly recommended to contact a UdK Fine Arts professor regarding admission to an artistic class in the semester prior to application. The written class confirmation must be enclosed with the application documents.  You can find the corresponding form here.
Visiting professors ("Gastprofessor*innen") cannot give a confirmation.
However, this class confirmation does not automatically lead to admission; the decision is ultimately made by the admissions committee.
Students with a comparable degree in Fine Arts cannot apply again for this degree programme at the UdK.

The admissions committee decides on the basis of the submitted artistic portfolio and the documents whether the applicant will take part in the entire entrance examination or only in the final interview.

Admission procedure

What happens after the application?

The admission procedure consists of a pre-selection and the entrance examination.

All applicants who have applied on time and meet the formal requirements will be asked to submit an artistic portfolio after the deadline  by email.
The artistic portfolio is submitted exclusively analog, it can be either sent by mail or given in person.

You will find the information about mailing and personal submission of the portfolio here.

Please find comprehensive information on the portfolio in the following regulations "Ausführungsbestimmungen" [German]

Please fill out the following document and stick it printed on the outside of your portfolio:
Labeling help portfolio


Entrance examination:
The admission committee decides on admission to the entrance examination on the basis of the artistic works submitted.
Those who receive a positive decision in the pre-selection will receive an invitation to take part in the entrance examination by email.

The entrance examination consists of a letter of reflection, an artistic-practical examination task and an interview. Further information can also be found in the "Ausführungsbestimmungen" (Implementation regulations).

Applicants will be asked by email usually at the beginning of June  to write a letter of reflection and upload it to Bemus within one day.

As a rule the practical examination and interviews will take place on site  mid/ end of June.

You will find the notifications of admission 1 - 2 weeks after the interviews in the Campus Management Portal.