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Moving Image

source: UdK Berlin

The „Moving Image“ class explores film and animation practices to develop artistic design works in time and space. It offers a space for artistic experimentation and joint reflection on the moving image as a form of narration. The result is dramaturgically designed and spatially generated narrative structure that uses different narrative forms or media for single or multi-channel productions.

With a critical eye and courage, the students work on the increasingly permeable boundaries between film/video and animation, physical space and virtual space, as well as the possibilities of the fourth dimension. The students can work in a context-related or location-independent manner. However, the works are always based on critical thinking about the major social and cultural issues of our time.

Accompanying the artistic practice, there is an examination of references from the history of art, film, and media. The established theoretical discourse expands the skills in dealing with technology and content and allows forecasts about the changes in the dispositive.


Visiting Prof. Manja Ebert
E-mail: m.ebert_
Office hours: by appointment only, Room 126

Academic Associate: N.N.

Tutor: Pauline Pryas
E-mail: bewegtbild_



University of th Arts Berlin
Fakultät Gestaltung

Institute of transmedial Design
Grunewaldstr. 2-5
​​​​​​​10823 Berlin-Schöneberg