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Visiting Prof. Manja Ebert

short vita

Media artist Manja Ebert studied Visual Communication and Art and Media at the Berlin University of the Arts. In 2018 she was appointed master student of Candice Breitz at the University of Fine Arts Braunschweig. Her installations, most of which are expansive, are exhibited internationally, including at ZAK – Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst Berlin (2023), Harvard Art Museum (2022), Centre Pompidou Paris (2022), Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien (2020), Kunstverein Wolfsburg (2019), the Goethe-Institut Toronto (2019), the Swiss Vögele Kultur Zentrum in Pfäffikon SZ (2019), the Athens Digital Arts Festival (2016) and the accompanying program of Berlin Art Week (2018). She is a founding member of medienkunst e.V. - Association for Contemporary Art with New Media.

From October 2020 since March 2024 Manja Ebert has been an artistic assistant in the teaching department Basics of the Moving Image in the study programs Visual Communication and Art and Media at the UdK Berlin. In summer semester 2024 she is leading the class as a visiting professor.