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Workshop: Calixto Bieito

source: Brigitte Witzenhause



Course dates: 31st of August to 8th of September 2019


The participants will collaborate on arias and monologues from the classical as well as the contemporary repertoire. The goal is to explore the limits of the body in the context of opera and drama. Different approaches will be experimented with, in order to find a new dramaturgy. Inspired by the visual languages of Francisco Goya and Luis Bunuel, the opera will be approached with an intuitive working method. A search for a new way of approximating the opera will be investigated and borders of the genre will be explored and crossed. The workshop is designed for professional singers and actors. The participants will work on an aria, monologue, (or possibly) a duet or dialogue, which should be prepared beforehand by the participants.

Course language: English, Spanish, Italian
Lecturers: Calixto Bieito
Mentor: Anna Bergel


You can find information about the lecturers of this workshop here:



You can find the document for your application to KlangKunstBühne 2019 HERE.