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Class of Spatial Design and Exhibition Design

MORGEN – Experimentelle Untersuchungen und Zukunftsmodelle – Domäne Dahlem, Berlin, 2021 / Experimentelle Ausstellungsgestaltung / Foto: Mattia Friso
source: MORGEN – Experimentelle Untersuchungen und Zukunftsmodelle – Domäne Dahlem, Berlin, 2021 / Experimentelle Ausstellungsgestaltung / Foto: Mattia Friso

In the Class for Spatial and Exhibition Design, experimental artistic methodologies in the design of spaces of communication are developed and explored in various scales and contexts. Spatial structures are thus understood in their multidimensionality and materiality as specific systems of spatial communication. Experimental analog and digital design methods and the ensuing conceptual design of dialogical spaces, as well as the design and realisation of relational structures, imaginative spatial constructions, physical objects and communication apparatus, furniture objects, spatial installations, transmedia environments, situations and exhibitions all merge into one another.


Prof. Gabi Schillig
E-Mail: g.schillig_
Phone: +49 (0)30 3185 1255
Adress: Grunewaldstraße 2-5, Raum 104, 10823 Berlin

Academic Associate
Enzo Zak Lux (

Malte Andersen, Meret Schmiese (tutor_

Lecturers, Summer 2024
Denise J. Reytan
Stefan Roigk
Nicolas Stephan
Elke Sterling-Presser


Past Academic Associate
Ruven Wiegert (2018 – 24)


Universität der Künste Berlin
Fakultät Gestaltung
Institut für Transmediale Gestaltung
Grunewaldstraße 2-5
Room 104 and 105/106
10823 Berlin