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MORGEN Exhibition Domäne Dahlem

source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin


TOMORROW - Experimental investigations and future models

The exhibition in the Dahlem domain showed works by students from the Spatial Design and Exhibition Design class the Motion Picture class at the Berlin University of the Arts, Faculty of Design.

The title MORGEN refers to a near future as well as to a historical area in agriculture. The exhibition showed cinematic and spatial works that reflect the future relationship between people, nature, city, country, animals, plants and other living beings.

Students in the Motion Picture class from the Visual Communication and Art and Media courses have spent the past two semesters, under the direction of Prof. Anna Anders and Manja Ebert, dealing with nature in the city, life in the country, and ecological issues Examines utopias and dystopias and develops cinematic works, video and audio installations, 2D and 3D animations, AR scenarios and audiovisual performances that deal with myths, fears, wishes, dreams, memories and possible future scenarios.

Students of the Visual Communication course in the Spatial Design and Exhibition Design class, led by Prof. Gabi Schillig and Ruven Wiegert, dealt with the question of how interconnected networks and relationships arise between people, animals, plants and the material environment. Based on an expanded understanding of matter, the study of different rocks and minerals and the stories and structures hidden within them, the students designed new hybrid materials, forms and spatial scenarios. Visualizations, experimental collages, 3D scans, animations and sculptural experiments tell of imaginary digital-material spatial worlds and undiscovered places and times.

The experimental exhibition and communication concept developed by the students sees itself as an organic network that not only networks the exhibits in the interior but also includes the grounds of the Dahlem domain with sculptural and performative interventions. The exhibition and the works shown enable visitors to immerse themselves in unknown worlds and thus in new contexts of perception and meaning.


With Works by

Katharina Aae, Florentin Aisslinger, Renata Altenfelder, Santos Destina Atasayar, Fiona Belousz, Michel Best, Yayoek Börger, Madeleine Brunnmeier, Maria Capello, Vincent Carter, Elsa Estrella, Indra L. Frings, Mattia Friso, Ernst August Graefe, Lukas Graf, Hannah Greifenstein, Agata Hörttrich, Valentin Jauch, Shinae Kim, Livia Kirchner, Ferdinand Kirsch, Jason Kittner, Maria Kobylenko, Norman Mayn, Thai May Nguyen, Stefanie Messner, Marlon Nicolaisen, Anaïs Nyffeler, Boohri Park, Roman Roth, Elena Rudolph, Jil Schuberth, Francesca Sklorz, Maija Suipe, Johannes Thiel, Leona Elisa Tiemeßen, Klara Troost, Corinne Wiss, Jannis Jelto Witzel, Pauline Luca Wunderlich, Isa Zappe, Tsingyun Zhang


Exhibition Design

Vincent Carter, Anaïs Nyffeler, Martha Plättner, Jil Schuberth, Leona Tiemessen


Graphic Design

Valentin Jauch, Jason Kittner, Manou Schatton, Johannes Thiel, Pauline Luca Wunderlich


Exterior Design

Mattia Friso, Masoud Morgan, Boohri Park, Filipe-Guilherme Pirl



Pauline Luca Wunderlich


Project Management

Ruven Wiegert, Künstlerischer Mitarbeiter


Technical Management

Manja Ebert, Künstlerische Mitarbeiterin


Workshop for Prototypes and Model construction

Elke Schneider


Supervising Professors

Anna Anders, Gestaltung des bewegten Bildes

Gabi Schillig, Raumbezogenes Entwerfen und Ausstellungsgestaltung


Stiftung Domäne Dahlem Landgut und Museum

Dennis Novak, Leitung Sammlung und Ausstellung

Ulrike Pinkas, Wissenschaftliche Volontärin im Museum

Ingo Eggert, Restaurator

Egbert R. Schimmerohn, Sammlungsbetreuer


23.10.2021 – 23.01.2022


Domäne Dahlem, Königin-Luise-Straße 49, 14195 Berlin