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Claire Cunningham: 4 Legs Good – Vortrag

4 LEGS GOOD Claire Cunningham

Claire Cunningham will share her distinct movement style 'Quanimacy', illustrating how the use/misuse, study and distortion of her crutches as well as rejecting formal dance training and techniques created for non-disabled bodies have informed her practice.

In this Lecture Demonstration Claire Cunningham will share her distinct movement style Quanimacy, illustrating how the use/misuse, study and distortion of her crutches as well as rejecting formal dance training and techniques created for non-disabled bodies have informed her practice.  

She will discuss how her focus has shifted from exploring the connection  between her crutches and her body to investigating how her crutches connect her to the world; how her work is influenced by her lived experience of disability and its impact on how society thinks about knowledge, value, connection, and interdependence.   

This is a relaxed, informal event where the audience is invited to make themselves comfortable. There will be early boarding and varous seating options available.  

The studio is on the ground floor, wheelchair accessible with accessible toilets on site.  

The demonstration is in spoken English with live integrated Audio Description. There will be Sign Language Interpretation from spoken English to German Sign Language.

Please email Vicky on v.wilson_ to discuss access requirements.
