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Bach Cantatas – Workshop

"Kulturbüro Spandau", "Spandau macht alte Musik", Alte Musik, Berlin, Konzert, Kulturhaus Spandau, Musik, SPAM, spandau

Foto: Stephan Röhl

Stephan Roehl

With Prof. Irmgard Huntgeburth and Doerthe Maria Sandmann

Students of the Institute for Early Music Performance Practice of the UdK Berlin and guests work on cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach on 2 days. There is a final presentation of the results on the second day in the evening.

Workshop Schedule:

15.7. 10.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00

16.7. 10.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00

16.7. Abschlußkonzert at 19.30 Uhr

For active and passive participation, please contact:
Doerthe Maria Sandmann, d.sandmann_ (singers)
Prof. Irmgard Huntgeburth, i.huntgeburth_ (instrumentalists)



Prof. Irmgard Huntgeburth