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Hrishikesh Pawar: And So We Dance !!! – Vortragsabend

© Archives of Centre of Contemporary Dance

BA 'Dance, Context, Choreography' Evening Lecture

(Film screening, followed by Q&A on how dance spaces bring community works into mainstream dance education without calling it therapy)

Diving into a community, risking beliefs and challenging the habitual. We fall; we get up and fall again. The clock hand keeps ticking, we keep moving. The film traces inspiring groups of dancers aging from 50 to 84 take the stage and share their stories. It also unfolds the magic of Dance on their bodies suffering from Parkinson Disease.

Today we take a pause and look back at a bag of experiences that make “ME” celebrate my memories, stories and the present “TIME” in this courageous attempt, filled with intimate personal experiences which are a reason enough to be celebrated.

Experience this magic enough to explain - And So I Dance !
