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Unlearning University – Symposien

Knoten, rot

Entwurf: Giada Armante, Charlotte Riemann, Yui Yamagishi

Charlotte Riemann

Unlearning the university means questioning one's own institution. On which assumptions and traditions is based what is considered important? Which knowledges and which perceptions do not occur?

Unlearning is a concept from decolonial research and art. It encourages us to question skills and knowledge that seem self-evident. Unlearning does not mean forgetting or erasing something, but rather recognizing other skills and the knowledge of others – and it also means revising hegemonic knowledge and established practices. This can amount to confronting ignorance, unknowing and non-understanding.

Art academies are places where aesthetics are practiced. They are also places where aesthetic practices can challenge perceptions, experiences and power relations. Artistic practices open up the capacity for expression and action, especially for marginalized groups. Subjectivity and belonging are constantly renegotiated in the arts.

Unlearning University sees the UdK Berlin as a learning and unlearning art academy. The project takes the Critical Diversity Policy, which the UdK Berlin adopted last year (English version in print), at its word. Participants from all faculties, existing initiatives and guests gather their experiences and concepts on the way to a UdK Berlin that is more critical of discrimination.


Opening Concert Musica inaudita, 7.1.24, 19.30 pm, Bundesallee 1–12, 10719 Berlin, Joseph-Joachim-Saal

Symposium 8.–10.1.24, Grunewaldstr. 2–5, 10823 Berlin, Aula and Galerie

The symposium gathers members of the UdK Berlin. It invites to share and discuss anti-discriminatory knowledges and transformative artistic practices together with international guests.

Based on the Critical Diversity Policy that the UdK Berlin has adopted, the focus is on three aspects: We ask about access to the arts and accessibility to the study of the arts. We will address processes of canonization and the necessity of canon critique. And finally, we consider which methods of teaching and learning, of aesthetic evaluation and judgment we practice and which we want to practice.

Workshops, lectures, panel discussions and spatial interventions with Critical Costume, Claire Cunningham, Daniele Daude, Eine Krise bekommen, Johannes Ismaiel-Wendt, Joy Kristin Kalu, Maiko Kawabata, Musica inaudita, Carolin Overhoff Ferreira, Ruth Sonderegger, Sophie Vögele, Julia Wisssert and others.


The event will be held in German and English spoken language and German sign language. The building and the rooms are barrier-free accessible. All-gender WCs are available. (Detailed information will follow.)


source: Unlearning University

The project is funded by "Diversity at German universities" of the HRK.
