Open Access at UdK
Read here more about Open Access at UdK and the services of our library.
Open research stands for accessibilty and availability of scholarship information and academic research specifally the legal right to utilize existing publications, research data, research software and cultural assets, etc. The UdK respects copyright and related rights and subscribes to UNESCO's maxim "as open as possible, as restricted as necessary". For us, openness therefore always includes open access to consultation and negotiation spaces for the rightful balancing of interests in all phases of the data life cycle. Especially in the arts and arts-based disciplines, the interests and rights of all participants must be weighed up and the implementation of possible openness must be designed accordingly.
Through accessibility, traceability and - where possible – the reusability of artistic and academic processes open research ensures a seamless transfer of knowledge. It also ensures that those within the arts and academia as well as the wider society have access to the findings.
At Berlin University of the Arts, research and teaching are closely interlinked. This means that topics that are primarily relevant to academia such as open research, are also of great importance for teaching. It also means open research is seen in the context of art, academia and the civil liberties associated with these fields, as artistic and academic content is both researched and developed artistically at the university. Access to this content should not be taken for granted and must be continuously enabled, utilised and protected.
Open Research Components
Open Research is comprised of various components that are placed in the appropriate context for a university of the arts.
The Open Research officer of the UdK Berlin is the 1st Vice President Prof. Jeßulat. The open access officer is Friederike Kramer, deputy head of the university library.
The University Library provides support on all issues relating to Open Research, in particular Open Access, Open Data and data management. Comprehensive publishing consultation is also available.
Please note that we are unable to offer legal advice.
Read here more about Open Access at UdK and the services of our library.
NFDI4Culture is a consortium for open research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage. The UdK Berlin is calling for participation. What does openness mean in the Arts?