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Joint Committee


Group I (Professors)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Heiser (College of Fine Arts)
Substitute: Prof. Monica Bonvicini (College of Fine Arts)

Prof. Dr. Alberto de Campo (College of Architecture, Media and Design)
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Busch (College of Architecture, Media and Design)

Prof. Dr. Ariane Jeßulat (College of Music)
Substitute: Prof. Elena Mendoza (College of Music)
Substitute until the end of summer semester 2024: Prof. Daniel Ott

Prof. Nik Haffner (Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz)
Substitute: GProf. Dr. Maximilian Haas (College of Performing Arts)

Group II (Academic Staff)
Dr. Jenny Fuhr
Substitute: Christian Schmidts (College of Music)

Group III (Fellows)
Julia Lazarus (GS)
Substitute: Joud Halawani Al-Tamimi (GS)

Group IV (Other Staff Members)
Lena Maria Loose (BAS/GS)
Substitute: Barbara Aiko-Garnier (International Office)

As of: May 2024


Geschäftsstelle BAS
Einsteinufer 43-53, R. 205-207
Telephone: +49 30 3185 2105
Email: bas2_