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Salon für Ästhetische Experimente - Jeremiah Day/ Aaron Hughes „Tea & Darkness“

Salon für Ästhetische Experimente

Tea & Darkness

Jeremiah Day / Aaron Hughes  Kaiserslautern / Tilburg / Berlin – December 2015 Mini-Tour

O my friend, there’s no room for the poem on this earth. Is there any room for this earth in the poem, after Iraq?   -Mahmoud Darwish

As part of his ongoing re-examination of the so-called Global War on Terror and its effects on citizenship, Jeremiah Day invites US artist and activist Aaron Hughes to present TEA.  In Hughes words TEA is “an ongoing dialogue that traverses a variety of landscapes, from the tea sipped on a Chicago sidewalk, to a quaint coffee shop, to a cage in Guantanamo Bay, to a motor pool in Iraq; Tea is not only a favored drink but a shared moment that transcends cultural divides and systems of oppression.” Day will present “To a Person Sitting in Darkness (Bagram, Kaiserslautern, Bethesda)” accompanied by musician Bart de Kroon.

14th December 2015
6pm Jeremiah Day
6.30pm Discussion with  Meike Capps-Schubert, organizer of the Clearing Barrel Cafe in Kaiserslautern
7.30pm Aaron Hughes

Hughes’ TEA is strictly limited to 25 people. The reservation list for TEA is already full. To register on the waiting list please contact There is no limitation for Day´s performance and the discussion.

The following night, December 15th there will be a second evening’s program at BAIZ, Berlin.

Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin