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Build new worlds

A breastfeeding Cleopatra
source: Mohamed Gaber

Build new worlds is a workshop and public film screening program curated by our fellow Mariam Mekiwi at and around Wolf Kino in Berlin.

Are you interested in taking part in a creative conversation on Worldbuilding? Play with traditional variables of our geopolitical realities and remold them into possibilities of fictional futures? Would you like to radically re-design and imagine scenarios that would not work in our current realities but could work if we change factors, traits and conditions to find solutions?

Worldbuilding is a medium to design, imagine speculate and construct worlds as a way to think about future narratives. Taking Berlin as a set for the imagination and construction of speculative narrations the participants in the 6 weeks workshop offered by Wolf Kino will be invited to take walks in the neighborhood - around the kino and beyond - as their starting point to think about the construction of fiction. Participants are invited to speculate and engage in various questions regarding Worldbuilding and the use of film as a tool of speculative design. What is Worldbuilding in such a moment where so many systemic changes seem to be more and more urgent? 

In light of the current pandemic situation, many political possibilities that seemed closed down for so long have re-opened. Many people are thinking about ways and strategies to seize this moment politically in order to propose new visions for the future of our societies and the planet. Visions that would entail a systemic change. How can we use speculative fiction tools in order to contribute to Worldbuilding propositions? How can speculative fiction be a proposal to counter the financial and real estate speculation that is happening in the city? Can we imagine through speculation a city without the police? A new image and imagination of place? How can we solve major social questions regarding race and gender through Worldbuilding? What is the future of intimacy and how can we worldbuild inside a vast array of genres from porn to science fiction?

Participants are invited to design, imagine, and speculate premises of Worldbuilding scenarios which forms depend on the interests and backgrounds of the participants. The outcome will be presented in a separate event that will be held in Wolf Kino in October.

The application deadline is 10 August 2020.

When? Where?
28 August -16 October 2020
Wolf Kino
Weserstr. 59
12045 Berlin

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