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Hans-Georg Bauer

Dissertation Project

Thermic Building Simulation as an Integral Design Parameter

The thematic framework for this dissertation is the question of designing living space in the face of climatic, technological, and social changes. Its research aims to develop strategies for integrating concepts of space and climate already into early architectural design stages.  The project investigates how quantitative data from computer-aided tools for simulation and analysis can be generated for evaluating the performative characteristics of buildings and, in the context of all relevant design parameters, be used in the consideration and development of simple technical solutions for construction in order to employ basic physical principles for creating high-quality living space.
Architecture is the design of space as it stands, in its material form, in social, cultural, economic, and ecological relation to its environment.  Changes in climate have always forced humans to undertake enormous feats of adaptation, and it has always been necessary to consider climatic conditions in traditional ways of building.
 As a consequence of industrialization and the rationalization of construction processes, climatic questions about designing space increasingly came to be considered separately from and of secondary importance to design development. Standardization required simplification and, consequently, the removal of specific environmental influences from the design process in favor of a climatic post-rationalization by means of proven climate-technology solutions. In the course of the twentieth century, the increasingly higher demands of technological innovation that was accelerating on its own accord transformed climate technology into a discipline capable of being understood only by specialists and possessing a highly complex catalog of procedures. In contemporary construction, this consists of a strategy of optimization through increasing efficiency. The existing separation in this strategy of architecture as a form of design from modifications made by expert specialist planners has not yet been questioned.

Please note that these listings appear in the language they were originally published.



Hans-Georg Bauer studied architecture at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg, Sapienza University of Rome, and the Berlin University of the Arts. He has worked at Graft Architects in Los Angeles and at Plus4930 Architects and Barkow-Leibinger Architects in Berlin.


 „Assessing renovation interventions towards ‚energy plus‘ buildings through parametric exploration – the case of glazed buffer spaces“ (zusammen mit Julien Nembrini, Steffen Samberger und Christoph Gengnagel), in: Proceedings of Building Simulation. 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, 2013, URL:

„Modelle thermischer Behaglichkeit“, in:, Onlinepublikation des Graduiertenkollegs „Das Wissen der Künste“, Nr. 3 „Entwurf/Modell“, November 2014, URL:


Assessing renovation interventions towards “Energy Plus” building through parametric exploration – the case of glazed buffer spaces im Rahmen der "Building Simulation Conference 2013", 25.-28.08. in Chambéry, Frankreich