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source: Louisa Wahler & Georgia von le Fort
source: Relics

Founder: Louisa Wahler und Georgie von le Fort

Mentor: Prof. Holger Neumann

funded by: Creative Prototyping - the Berlin startup scholarship at the UdK Berlin

The project RE.LICS aims at developing vessels made of recycled porcelain which extend the lifetime of fruits and vegetables. Most people do not know how to store fruits and vegetables properly, leading to unnecessary food waste or a loss of vitamins and flavours. RE.LICS offers ideal climate conditions to various fruits and vegetables through a natural cooling effect, thus increasing freshness and reducing waste. The product is made of a proprietary, self-developed and sustainable material based on porcelain production relicts.
With RE.LICS, both food and porcelain waste are reduced through a resource-saving, environmentally friendly and aesthetic product solution.