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Our Typical Outgoing Erasmus+ Student

UdK's Typical Outgoing ERASMUS+ Student

We are delighted to present our ERASMUS+ outgoing students - i.e. UdK Berlin students who are studying abroad in Europe for a period of time within the ERASMUS+ program!

The data are based on the outgoing numbers of three academic years - 2016/17, 2017/18, and 2018/19, resulting in an infographic that shows the typical outgoing ERASMUS+ student at UdK Berlin. The average student is enrolled in architecture, is 24 years old and goes to France for 1 semester during their bachelor studies.

58% of the outgoings assigned themselves to the female gender, 41% to the male gender. 1% did not choose a binary assignment, however, "diverse" or "not specified" could not be consistently collected yet.

A lot has changed due to the pandemic - including the number of outgoings. Many students had to return from their stay early or could not leave at all.

Our typical outgoing ERASMUS+ student is a reflection of pre-pandemic times and is intended to provide an optimistic glimpse into a future in which pandemics are the exception and lively student exchange, whether physical or digital, is again possible without complications.

In total, the graphic is based on 208 completed outgoing mobilities within the ERASMUS+ program: 65 in 2016/17, 69 in 2017/18 and 74 in 2018/19, i.e. an average of 69 ERASMUS+ outgoings per year with an upward trend. 

It was a total of 48 students from Architecture, 46 students from Communication in Social and Economic Contexts (GWK) and 42 students from Fine Arts.

Furthermore, students from the fields of music, Vocal Studies and Musical Theatre, Jazz, Visual Communication, Art and Media, Fashion Design, Product Design, Theatre Education, Art in Context and the HZT were also abroad with the ERASMUS+ program.

France clearly ranked first with 39 outgoings, followed by the United Kingdom with 29 and Spain with 26 students. In addition, our ERASMUS+ outgoings went to Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Greece, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands and Turkey. Many countries are represented by several partner universities at the UdK.

The ERASMUS+ program has no age restriction. The range was from 18 to 40 years, with most outgoings being between 22 and 25 years old.

Do you find yourself in the graphic? Or do you feel inspired to change the statistics for the future? Perhaps a less typical country, for example in Eastern Europe, might be an option for you.

Under exchange places you will find the current calls for applications by study program. If you would like to apply, please visit the pages on application (in German) and on the ERASMUS+ program (or the new program starting in the summer term 2022).

If you are interested in non-European exchange, i.e. Intercontinental Studies Abroad (ISA), you will also find possible exchange places in the current calls for applications, as well as important information about the ISA program here.

Even if you are studying in a smaller program or already in the Masters program, it is worthwhile to talk to the exchange coordinators and to visit our information events.

Would you like to read first-hand information? Let yourself be inspired by the testimonials of former outgoings (in German). They contain valuable tips that can help you plan your stay abroad.

The new ERASMUS+ generation has set itself the goal of promoting more flexibility and diversity, while also taking environmental and digital matters into account. You will gradually find out here what this means in concrete terms.