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Study Trips

Funding of Study Trips by PROMOS

Study trips of up to 12 days can be funded by the programme PROMOS, financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and organized by the DAAD. Students should be accompanied by at least one member of teaching staff.

The commission gives priority to applications from students for internships and study abroad over excursions. Also, teachers who have not yet received a PROMOS grant are prioritized over those who have already recieved one.

The set rate is 45 euros per day and person. Only regular students of the UdK can be funded, that is, not exchange students.

The study trip needs to have been completed by 30.11., so that accounts can be balanced within the correct period. This means that study trips in December can no longer be funded.

The costs involved in your study trip have to be settled with the accounts department of UdK within 4 weeks after the end of the trip; otherwise the costs cannot be rembursed and eventual advance money has to be payed back.

Corresponding to the commitment of many members of UdK, we expect trips of a distance under 1000 km or under 12 hours travel time to be undertaken by train or bus instead of plane. For information about travel connections by train, please refer to or

Application documents PROMOS

The application form must be submitted along with a description of the project, providing as much detail as possible. Please complete the form at the computer and save it without changing the format (blue fields still visible). In another pdf, please compile the form and all attachments, and send both to regine.brosius_

Applications must be submitted and settled within the given deadlines by the accmpanying teacher (not one of the students!), but not later than the start of the study trip.

Deadlines for excursions in 2025: October 15, 2024, February 1, 2025, April 1, 2025.