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MyMATE for international Master's students

Are you about to start your Master's course at UdK Berlin and would like some support? To help you start your studies and your new life in Berlin, we can put you in touch with an experienced student from your degree programme.

What is MyMATE?

Good reasons to register for MyMATE:

  • your MATE is a student from the same (or a similar) study programme in a higher semester.
  • your MATE will support you before your arrival in Berlin and during your first months at UdK Berlin.
  • you will receive useful advice and information about studying, the university and Berlin
  • through your MATE you will hopefully be able to make contacts for joint artistic projects, ensembles/chamber music etc.
  • you can participate in events for all MATEs (new and experienced students), e.g. a kick-off event to get to know each other, a cooking night, a picnic, walks through Berlin's different districts.
  • you can participate in the accompanying workshop programme to enhance your intercultural and diversity skills (only offered in the winter semester).
  • if you need intercultural counselling or support with questions, problems or conflicts, the MyMATE team will be there to help you. We are trained as intercultural and diversity trainers (contact the MyMATE team).

Registration for new MA students

MyMATE - Sign me up!

Are you newly admitted to a Master's programme at UdK Berlin? Would you like the support and kick-start help from an experienced student from your course of study? Wonderful! We just need some information about you, which will hopefully allow us to match you with a student in a higher semester from your degree programme.

Your personal data will only be stored for the purposes of the MyMATE programme and only for the duration of your involvement with MyMATE.

We will pass on the most important information about you (name, degree programme) as well as your contact details (email, phone number) to your MATE so that you can communicate with each other.

We will try to find someone from the same or a similar course of study. However, we cannot guarantee this.

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