For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.

Student Financing

BAföG and scholarships

Except of some further education Master programmes there are no tuition fees charged at UdK Berlin.

In addition to financing through parents and additional income from part-time jobs, applying for scholarships or  "BAföG" (Federal Training Assistance Act) is certainly one of the best-known options for financing.

Under certain conditions, international students can also apply for BAföG. For more information, please contact Studierendenwerk Berlin.
An overview of finanzing and the contact to the Social Counselling Centre of the studierendenWERK Berlin can be found  here

The social counselling service of the studierendenWERK BERLIN offers counselling specifically on all topics of student financing.

There are also a number of foundations that provide financial support for students. The most well-known are the large party-affiliated or confessional foundations. In addition, there is a wide range of offers sponsored by companies, associations and even individuals. It can be worthwhile to do some detailed research, e.g. with the help of the portal "mystipendium" or stipendiumplus.

Regarding special financing opportunities for international students (e.g. DAAD) , please enquire at our office for International Student Services.

Funding opportunities at UdK Berlin

An overview of the possibilities for financial support and funding at the UdK Berlin can be found on the following page: [German]


Students should primarily be interested in the UdK's scholarships. Information on these funding opportunities can be found on the following page: [German]

Grant for the start and graduation of study

From 21.05.2024, financially and socially needy students will have the opportunity to apply for a "grant to start studying" or a "grant for successful graduation" for the summer semester 2024.

The aim of the grant for the start of studies is to make it easier for students to successfully begin their studies in Berlin. The financial support can be used for necessary purchases that may arise at the start of studies (e.g. for study materials, laptop, deposit payments, living expenses to be bridged and much more).

The grant for successful graduation is intended to make it easier for students to successfully complete their studies. The financial support can be used for necessary purchases that may arise when completing the degree (e.g. for the final thesis). Students can also use this assistance to reduce any employment they may have in order to concentrate better on their degree.

The grant is a one-off payment of 1,000 euros. There is no legal entitlement. All information on the application procedure can be found here.


The online application for the "Aufstiegsstipendium" - the study grant for experienced professionals - is now open again. Prospective and current students can apply for an advancement scholarship until June 10, 2024.

The funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports skilled workers with vocational training and several years of practical experience in their first academic degree course. Detailed information can be found at

A full-time course of study is funded with 934 euros per month plus 80 euros book allowance (i.e. a total of 1,014 euros). There is also a childcare allowance for children under the age of 14 (160 euros for each child). For part-time students, the funding amounts to 2,900 euros per calendar year. The benefits are a lump sum and independent of income.

Applications are possible before the start of studies and up to the end of the second semester. There is no age limit for the application.



The Deutschlandstipendium supports talented and high-achieving students. In addition to outstanding academic and professional achievements, social commitment and special personal achievements are also taken into account when awarding the scholarship.

Information on the Germany Scholarship can be found here.


Solidarity Fund of the UdK Berlin

For students, the Corona Pandemic has meant the loss of many opportunities to earn money.  In order to help UdK students, the "UdK Berlin Solidarity Fund" was set up at studierendenWERK BERLIN. The fund is financed by donations. From it, UdK Berlin students can receive grants for projects, materials, fees, licences and work equipment. These are one-off grants. Students who are enrolled at the Berlin University of the Arts and whose financial situation requires special support are eligible to apply.

The grants will be awarded by the studierendenWERK BERLIN.

Further information on the Solidarity Fund can be found here.