New publication Die Zeichen der Auguren
Die Zeichen der Auguren. Über Fluch und Segen von technologischen Entwicklungen / Hrsg. Holger Neumann; Ilka Schaumberg, − Berlin: Verlag der Univ. der Künste Berlin, 2022, Text engl./dt.; 160 S. mit Ill., ISBN 978-3-89462-379-1 Best. Nr. MA 0715
Preis 8,00 €
Augurs in ancient Rome used crooks to interpret the divine approval or rejection of proposed undertakings. In the winter semester 2021/22 designtransfer collected fifty projects from the different courses of the Faculty of Design at UdK Berlin for an open debate about the curse and blessing of technological developments –– the fusion of humans and machines, genetic optimisation and collective cloud, loss of individual privacy and intelligent assistants, controlling and inspiring algorithms, digital manipulation and Orwellian surveillance, creativity and resistance to totalitarian systems, escape into virtual realities and to Mars, and finally the exit from the metaverse into humanity.
Further publications of the UdK can be found here.