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Domenico-Gabrielli (Stiftung der UdK Berlin)

In 1996, the UdK Berlin received the generous donation - a house with land in Barmstedt near Hamburg - of a benefactor who has been actively involved in the event life of the university for years. The rental income, after deduction of operating costs, makes it possible to hold an annual competition for students of both Berlin music academies. Scholarships and prizes are awarded as part of the competition. Particularly talented violoncello students are supported.

Cello students of the UdK Berlin and the HfM "Hanns Eisler" are eligible to participate, provided that their main subject teachers agree to their participation in the competition.


- Support of especially talented cello students of the Faculty of Music of the UdK, the Hochschule für Musik "Hans Eisler" according to the cooperation agreement.



 - Scholarships/awards within the framework of competitions

- Application for the UdK competitions takes place after approval via the subject teachers of the Faculty of Music

- more information:Universität der Künste BerlinFakultät MusikKünstlerisches Betriebsbüro- university

-independent jury of renowned personalities from Berlin's musical life.

More Information


Together with the Kronberg Academy, the Grand Prix Emanuel Feuermann for violoncello is organized every four years by the Domenico Gabrielli Foundation (sponsor: Hans Radeke).