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Ensemble ilinx – Studio for Contemporary Music at Berlin University of the Arts

source: Leah Muir
source: Leah Muir
source: Leah Muir

Artistic direction: Leah Muir

For French sociologist Roger Caillois (Les jeux et les hommes, 1958), ilinx (from the Ancient Greek: ecstasy) is one of the four categories into which he divides human games (alongside agon, competition, alea, joy and mimicry, transformation of identity). Ilinx is connected with irritations in perception of time and space, with an experience of shifting reality.  

If music is understood as play, it belongs unequivocally to ilinx.

The ensemble ilinx is open for all students at the UdK Berlin interested in contemporary music. One or two concerts per year are planned, with selected works from the 20th and 21st centuries. These concerts are meticulously curated so that they represent an aesthetic whole, not merely a sequence of pieces. Participation in Zoom+Focus (semester concerts of students studying Composition) is also envisaged. 

Through cooperation with the Conducting department and Harry Curtis the ensemble plans changing musical directions by lecturers, students and occasional guests. Permanent cooperations with Crescendo – the musical festival weeks of the UdK Berlin, and Klangzeitort – Institute for Contemporary Music at the UdK Berlin, and the HfM Hanns Eisler Berlin have been established.

Members of the ensemble ilinx – Studio for Contemporary Music Winter Semester 2019/20

Horn: Bar Zemach
Percussion: Isabelle Kossin
Klavier: Seunghun Shin
Violin: Michele Foresi
Viola: Alice Bordarier, Vuokko Lahtinen
Violoncello: Jakob Daniel Seel

Tutor: Beltrán González

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