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Summer Semester 2014

Opening concert crescendo 2014

16th May 2014

Repeat performance in Berlin Cathedral on 17th May
Richard Wagner: Tristan and Isolde – Prelude, Liebestod (Love-Death)
Noam Sheriff: Akeda
Joseph Haydn: Symphony No. 22 in E-flat major Hob I:22 “Der Philosoph" (The Philosopher)
Richard Strauss: "Tod und Verklärung" (Death and Transfiguration), tone poem for a large orchestra
Direction: Steven Sloane

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Promenade Concert

30th May 2014 

Magnificat Wq 215, movements I, II, V, VIII, and IX
Symphony in B minor Wq 182 (version with woodwind by CF Zelter)
Klopstocks Gesang am Schöpfungsfeste (Klopstock's Song on the Day of Creation) Wq 239
Symphony in D-major Wq 183
Heilig in D (Holy in D) for double choir and orchestra Wq 778
“Himmelfahrt" (Ascension) from: Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt (Resurrection and Ascension) Wq 240
State and Cathedral Choir Berlin, Middlebury College Choir (USA)
Direction Kai Uwe Jirka

Concluding concert crescendo 2014

7th June 2014

Richard Strauss: Metamorphoses, study for 23 solo strings
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A-major KV 622
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra in B-flat major KV 191
Richard Strauss: Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra in D-major
Direction: Mark Gothoni, Eckart Hübner

Opera Project Bohuslav Martinu: Les Trois Souhaits

4th July 2014

Direction: Errico Fresis
Further performances: 5th to 9th July 2014