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Design 2024

Momo Anders und Leon Hochhäuser

source: Momo Anders und Leon Hochhäuser
source: Momo Anders und Leon Hochhäuser
source: Momo Anders und Leon Hochhäuser

NOTE: During the Rundgang at Medienhaus, Grunewaldstraße 2-5 on 17 February, flyers in the Rundgang design were distributed. The flyers did not originate from the designers and the use of the design was neither requested from the authors nor authorised by them. Momo Anders and Leon Hochhäuser distance themselves from the appropriation of the design, as do the organisers of the Rundgang. The use is a violation of the designers' right to the protection of intellectual property.

"We will open the doors to UdK Berlin at the Rundgang 2024 with an approachable, multilingual, and multisensory media communication. For this purpose, we have designed the conceptual framework, which students from various faculties and linguistic backgrounds will fill with translations of the word 'Rundgang' in non-latin writing systems. In this collaborative process, we amplify the multilingualism of the students, giving them a loud voice, and invite an equally diverse city to the 2024 Rundgang."


Poster 1: Qianxue Zhang, Chinese, College of Architecture, Media and Design, Visual Communication
Poster 2: Momo Anders, German, College of Architecture, Media and Design, Visual Communication
Poster 3: Subin Ahn, Korean, College of Architecture, Media and Design, Visual Communication

Typo: Jungka by Karel Martens and Jungmyung Lee

The Jury of the Rundgang Design Competition 2024

Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz, President of the UdK Berlin
Prof. Barbara Kotte, Professor for Campaigns (and Advertising) at the Institute for transmedia Design at the UdK Berlin
Anja Steinig, Artistic Assistant for Campaigns (and Advertising) at the Institute for transmedia Design at the UdK Berlin
Prof. Henning Wagenbreth, Professor for Illustration and Executive Director at the Institute of Transmedia Design at the UdK Berlin
Anne-Marie Franz, Head of Interfaculty Events at the UdK Berlin
Claudia Assmann, Head of Press and Communication at the UdK Berlin
Dr. Michaela Conen, Head of Strategic Marketing and Insa Ruckdeschel, Marketing Manager at the UdK Berlin
Antonia Terhedebrügge, Co-Founder of the Creative Studio for Industrial Design + Visual Communication 'Terhedebrügge'
Ernst Gräfe, Student body and Student representatives Medienhaus

We would like to thank all jury members for contributing their professional expertise to the evaluation and for their always conscientious and unpaid assessment of all applications.