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Jinran Ha

Pas de Deux & Ensemble


wood, stainless steel, gear motor, Arduino, programmed choreography
540 x 224 x 420 cm (size of the stage variable)

Two doors are programmed for an 8-minute choreography. Both seem to rotate around their own axis - sometimes together and sometimes individually - seemingly independently of each other and always stop for a few seconds whenever they are in a straight line to each other. Due to their continuously changing positions, new spatial constellations are offered again and again - one, two or more spatial formations. The audience is invited to enter these temporary situations and move around in them or even use the doors to stage their own spaces. Whether they allow themselves to be drawn into them or remain outside of them in an observing position is left to them - as spectators of a revolving stage performing itself or as actors in a spectacle of the architectural elements taking on a life of their own.

More information about the artist at:

Pas de Deux & Ensemble

 source: Jinran Ha

Pas de Deux & Ensemble

 source: Jinran Ha

Pas de Deux & Ensemble

 source: Jinran Ha