For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.

Internal order form

The internal order form is not yet available. If you would like to order something, please send an email with the following information:

First name
Last name
Desired product and quantity

 to shop_

We will check your order and get in touch with you. You can find the current range at:

Important notes on the ordering process

The UdK:shop offers products for the external presentation of the UdK Berlin, e.g., for employees, professors and guests of our meetings and conferences.
By the principle of economy and efficiency in the use of public funds, the following requirements must be observed when using products from the UdK store:

1) Products from the UdK:shop may not be used for purely internal use or on exclusively internal occasions.

2) For all products, the costs are borne by the departments' respective material or event budgets. For this purpose, you will receive a rebooking letter from the Marketing department for processing. We will send it to you after we receive the order.

3) Please allow for a lead time of approx. 2-4 days.

4) The number of products should be sparing and not be divided into single orders.

You can reach us personally during our opening hours from Tue-Thu from 10 am-1 pm and from 2 pm-4 pm at the following address:

Einsteinufer 43
Room 517 on the 5th floor
10587 Berlin
by mail at shop_

Your UdK:shop-Team

*The money from the rebookings will also be used for reorders of the products to enable all interested areas of the UdK Berlin to enjoy using the materials and other products throughout the year and thus support our external presentation.