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Louisa Frauenheim

fallen, 2021, video, ca. 15 min

 source: Louisa Frauenheim

fallen, 2021, video, ca. 15 min

 source: Louisa Frauenheim

diffusor, 2022, videoinstallation & live-performance, Detailaufnahme, 12 verschiedene Bildschirme mit Abspielgeräten, Drahtseile

 source: Louisa Frauenheim

diffusor, 2022, videoinstallation & live-performance, Detailaufnahme, 12 verschiedene Bildschirme mit Abspielgeräten, Formel-1-Anzug, Helm

 source: Louisa Frauenheim

In my works I link biographical memories with collective cultures of memory. Thus, my grandmother's house is a central starting point for the creation of my works. In my final project "Diffusor" I investigate how we remember spaces to which we have an emotional connection and how these memories mix with subjective memories, narratives and history. In my artistic practice I work with different media forms such as sculpture, installation, performance and time-based media. For example, my video work "Fallen" shows the destruction and restoration of a sculpture of mine.

About the artist:

Instagram: louisa_frauenheim