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Solveig Schmid

cubrir, 50 x 40 cm, Pigmente, Öl auf Leinwand, 2021

 source: Solveig Schmid

J, 29 x 21 cm, Pigmente, Öl, Harz auf Papier, Kaschiert, 2022

 source: Solveig Schmid

Passage, 230 x 165 cm, Pigmente, Öl, Harz auf Leinwand, 2022

 source: Solveig Schmid

Color surfaces indicate spaces in which nuances, density and permeability are playfully examined in the direct painting process. At times, lines are set like marks, which negotiate proportions. Alternately pulsating and still, a state of presence is intended to be addressed and the necessity, fleetingness, and absence of marks explored. At a time when we are exposed to visual overflows; wild or calculating, my work seeks a stillness and power that withdraws from this noise and points to a noise based on the existential tension of opposites. On the one hand, this results in large-format canvases, and on the other, small laminated paper works that engage in a broken-down and intensified use of color.

Instagram: ssoollvveeiigg