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Elisa Jule Braun

Elisa Jule Braun

source: Elisa Jule Braun, Moritz Stumm
source: Elisa Jule Braun, Moritz Stumm
source: Elisa Jule Braun, Moritz Stumm

A Silicon Valley for Lake Constance! This decision is made by the three-headed Hell CEO and his AI assistant Techne. The headquarters are to be built in the Swabian-Alemannic town of Messkirch - also known as the Baden Geniewinkel. There Techne meets the local fools, Cat, Bat, Hansele and the reborn philosopher-bot Hightekker. Hightekker and Techne philosophize about the nature of technology, the fools hold up a mirror, and Amazon starts digging. HEIDEGGER'S VALLEY OR TECHNE & DIE 3 NARREN is a half-serious, half-humorous, semi-documentary fable-fiction. A free speculation in which philosophy, high-tech industry and Swabian culture collide.

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