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Angels in America

Angels in America

Live-Streaming on June 29 und 30 2019 , both 19:30 Uhr | UNI.T, Fasanenstrasse 1b, 10623 Berlin

A production of the Voice and Opera programme in collaboration with the Symphony Orchestra of the UdK Berlin and the Costume Design and Stage Design programme UdK Berlin.


A production of the Voice and Opera programme in collaboration with the Symphony Orchestra of the UdK Berlin and the Costume Design and Stage Design programme.

betont, the label of Universität der Künste Berlin is producing this live-stream together with Traumton Filmproduction and the course in sound engineering | UdK .


Peter Eötvös: The Angel (of America)

Opera in two parts by Peter Eötvös
Based on the play by Tony Kushner
Libretto by Mari Mezei · Commande du Théâtre du Châtelet

Christian Schumann | musical direction
Isabel Hindersin | direction

Music by the symphony orchestra of the UdK Berlin.

You can find further cast and contributors here.


 The course in sound engineering is broadcasting a live-stream of two performances home to you in picture and tone, for the lable of  Universität der Künste betont.

The implementation of the live-streams serves the teaching in first place. As part of the lessons, there is a strong practical reference enabled and a variety of subjects are being connected through these projects. Of prime importance is the plattform created for all contributors and students in front of and behind the scenes, in order to create space for their hard work and commitment - who's great output makes it possible to experience also outside of concerts.

Musical direction
Christian Schumann

Isabell Hindersin

Stage set
Iris Christidi

Sophie Peters

The Symphony Orchestra of the Universität der Künste Berlin

Music assistant/choir
Amaru Soren 

Assistant director
Caroline Schneider

Manou Jacob

Jakob Wundrack
Kolja Gütter

Artistic company office
Patrick Reu (booker)

Construction foreman
Harald Dreher

Harald Dreher (Ltg.),
Britta Lohmeyer
Eckehard Dybowsky
Fabian Knabe
Philipp Maier

Sigurd Hösl-Taube

Oliver Brendel (Ltg.)
Frank Prüffert (joinery)
Dennis Pelz (metalworking)


Sound transmission
Juliane Richter, Jupp Wegner, Christoph Rönnecke | Tonmeister
Markus Radke | technische Leitung
Hannah Schmeisser, Anton Bruns,  Sul-A Kim , Aaron Seitz,  Vinh Tran | Mikroports
Jakob Wundrack, Kolja Gütter | Beschallung

Image transfer

Johanna Bischof, Benjamin Lindner, Christoph Jakschie,Christoph Binner | Kamera
Erik Brauer, Jesko Stüve | Bildregie, Bildmediation

Markus Mittermeyer | project management
Andreas Morell | image transfer
Clemens Deller | music transfer
Moritz Tilmann | microports
Gabriella Crispino | vocal coaching
Patrick Becker | editorial

Markus Lilge

Camelot Film & Televison Equipment, Berlin | video technique
Schalloran Tonstudio Berlin | sound transmission