Vanina Saracino


Vanina Saracino is an independent curator, writer, and lecturer at Art and Media, Universität der Künste (UdK), Berlin. Her work focuses on theories and art strategies that explicitly question anthropocentric and binary worldviews from an intersectional perspective, with an emphasis on lens-based and time-based art practices. More-than-human perspectives, tentacular thinking, intersectionality, ecology, environmental breakdown, energy, and the loss of ancestral and indigenous epistemologies, are themes that her recent projects, texts, and lectures have explored in depth. Influenced by New Materialism, posthuman convergence, contemporary ecofeminist approach, and science fictional narratives, her research has been considering how intertwined scientific and technological findings progressively modify our scopic regime and the way we make sense of the world. Her recent projects have been aiming to provide a framework to overcome a narrow binary worldview in favor of a planetary tentacular approach.


Saracino has co-curated the Screen City Biennial 2022, 'Other Minds' (Oslo and Berlin), and 2019 'Ecologies – Lost, Found and Continued' (Stavanger, Norway), and edited the SCB Journal, Vol.2. As an independent curator, she has collaborated with Kumu Art Museum and EKKM (Tallinn, Estonia), Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi (Venice), TBA21 – Academy, Cinemateca Brasileira (São Paulo), Cinemateca do MAM (Rio de Janeiro), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Salzburger Kunstverein (Salzburg), The EYE Film Institute (Amsterdam), among others.