Leon Eckard

Leon Eckard is a german media artist, composer and musician. He studied Music and Media at the Robert-Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf and the Universitat de Barcelona with Jazz-Guitar as his main subject.Since 2022 he studies at the University of the Arts Berlin in the class Generative Art and is part of the collective S4NTP. Leon Eckard’s works and performances have been shown at renowned exhibitions and festivals worldwide, including Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Tehran International Electronic Music Festival, New Now Festival, Errant Sound, CTM Vorspiel and xCoAx Conference.

His artistic field develops between installative, interactive and generative art and music, as well as performances with self-developed systems. In his works, Leon Eckard deals playfully with the ideas of perception, consciousness and emergence, while exploring new ways of creating and improvising sound.