Umut Azad Akkel

Çark (2019-2021), Side-specific participatory installation (5 videos, 3 objects and 2 collages), İstanbul and Berlin, 2020 and 2021

 Quelle: Umut Azad Akkel

Çark (2019-2021), Object III, Side-specific participatory installation (5 videos, 3 objects and 2 collages), İstanbul and Berlin, 2020 and 2021

 Quelle: Umut Azad Akkel

Çark (2019-2021), Object III, detail, Side-specific participatory installation (5 videos, 3 objects and 2 collages), İstanbul and Berlin, 2020 and 2021

 Quelle: Umut Azad Akkel

The ongoing project Çark addresses hypocrisy at the intersection of street and sexuality. It began in a way of urban observation in Istanbul’s Beyoğlu, Şişli and Fatih neighbourhoods during my time at Daire Artist in Residency Program Hasköy/Beyoğlu. I visualize the sexuality that is denied and tabooed in the public space. The sexuality that I experienced and participated in. The taboo makes “normal “ and daily gestures as gestures of over-sexualization. In my work, I play with this inversion. In order to see the videos and collages, the audience must assume certain positions reminiscent of sexual acts in the participatory installation.

The process started with the collages. Some colleges evolved into videos and some of the videos evolved into participatory objects. The objects of the installation have a concrete coating and the work can be exhibited outdoors and indoors. Çark means cruising for finding sex partners and/or sex-working in Lubunca which is LGBTQI+ slang in Turkish.

Info about the artis:

Instagram: azadonfire