Participant of Panel 1: Verena Michels (Weather Underground Berlin)

Quelle: Max Weise

Verena Michels (Weather Underground Berlin)

Verena Michels’ independent design practice deconstructs themes of sustainability by exploring and experimenting on various levels with craft, technology and collaborative innovation. She has obtained a Fashion Design BA degree at Gerrit Rietveld academie in Amsterdam and graduated from the interdisciplinary Fashion & Product Design MA program at UdK in Berlin (Crafting Plastics, 2016). She has worked with interdisciplinary design studio BLESS and founded Weather Underground, a label for plant based rainwear, supported by UdK`s Creative Prototyping stipend in 2019. She is also a lecturer at various departments between fashion design, -journalism and -business (e.g. AMD Berlin).

Panel Discussion 1: 13.30 - 14.40 Uhr: "The End of The World Has Happened Before - Sustainability for whom?"