
PANEL: “Singing up Abundance” - The ethics of beauty and the stewardship of life. Embodied and indigenous perspectives – Sonderveranstaltung

27.4.2022, 19:30 h, Hardenbergstr. 33, room 110, Panel with Nicola Perullo (UNISG, Pollenzo, Italy), Joulia Strauss (Berlin/Athens), Luïza Luz (UdK Berlin) and Adam Montoya (IDSVA, NY, per videolink). Moderation: Andreas Weber. No registration needed.

“Singing up Abundance” - The ethics of beauty and the stewardship of life. Embodied and indigenous perspectives

With Nicola Perullo (UNISG, Pollenzo, Italy), Joulia Strauss (Berlin/Athens), Luïza Luz (UdK Berlin) and Adam Montoya (IDSVA, NY, per videolink). Moderation: Andreas Weber.

When the world is not longer made of things but of living agents, what art can be radically changes. Between metamorphic bodies, esthetic surfaces give way to mutual transformations of observers and agents, following an ethics of relating which is conducive to life and brimming with the shimmer of ancestral power. On this panel, following a brief kick-off talk by Nicola Perullo, we will explore to what degree radical embodiment and indigenous cosmologies can guide a new becoming of the arts as nourishing life.

Prof. Dr. Nicola Perullo is professor for esthetics and Vice-Rector at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Italy.
Joulia Strauss, a member of the Mari nation, is an artist in based in Berlin and Athens and founder of the Avtonomia Akadimia.
Luïza Luz is a Brasilian transdisciplinary artist, researcher and cultural worker who lives between urban cities and the forests.
Adam Montoya is an artist and arts instructor at University of Maine at Augusta (UMA), US, and currently in the doctoral program of IDSVA, NY.
Dr. Andreas Weber is a biologist, philosopher and nature writer based in Berlin and Italy.

PANEL: “Singing up Abundance” - The ethics of beauty and the stewardship of life. Embodied and indigenous perspectives
