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Stage Design Bachelor

Application period and entrance requirements

Application period

1 March–1 April for the following winter semester

Entrance requirements

• Special artistic talent
• Sufficient knowledge of German (language certificate German A2 for application and language certificate German B2 for enrolment)

Duration of studies/ Degree

• Standard period of study: 6 semesters, 180 credit points

• Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Your application step by step

All of the following steps must be taken within the application deadline of the respective degree programme. It is recommended that you apply as early as possible within the application deadline so that you can clarify any questions that arise with our StudyGuide in good time.

  1. Register and verify yourself (if you have not already done so in the past) in the Campus Management Portal of the UdK Berlin:
  2. Log in to the Campus Management Portal ( and submit an application for admission to the desired degree programme there by the application deadline and upload the following formal documents in a PDF file (max. 20 MB) to the application portal during the application process: 

    ● Detailed CV in tabular form
    ● If applicable: documentation of practical work experience, practical training, internships
    Bank statement as proof of payment of the fee of € 30 for processing the application (in case of transfer from abroad proof of payment) or turnover view (in case of online banking). Other proofs/receipts (such as transfer orders) are not accepted.
    ● International applicants must also provide proof of their German language skills: language certificate German A2 for application and language certificate German B2 for enrolment. You can find more information here.

    Transfer students from other univercities must enclose proof of previous study and examination achievements. You can find more information here.
  3. Transfer 30 € for participation in the admission procedure to the following account:
    Kasse der UdK Berlin
    Berliner Volksbank
    IBAN: DE 72 1009 0000 8841 0150 46
    Reason for payment: 35/01036, degree programme, name, application number

    Berliner Volksbank eG
    Budapester Straße 35
    10787 Berlin

    For foreign bank transfers:
    Please make sure that you pay all applicable transfer fees (OUR - sender pays costs) when making the transfer


Are you an applicant from the PR China, Vietnam or India?

Are there any formal documents missing from your application? Find out how to submit them here.

Details concerning the digital portfolio

After the application deadline, applicants* will be notified by e-mail about the deadlines for submitting the portfolio. The artistic portfolio will be submitted digitally. You will find more information in the e-mail. Each applicant submits only one portfolio. All artistic media can be used: Drawing, painting, printmaking, documentation as well as performative works, photography, video.

  1. Digital portfolio requirements:
  • Scope of the portfolio: approx. 20 own artistic works from the last two years.
  • The technique and subject matter of the works are optional, based on the stage design course.
  • The portfolio is to be compiled as a PDF file and contains the entirety (except audio and video works) of the artistic work samples, in each case indicating the title, size (height x width x depth), material and year.
  • The digital portfolio or the audio and video files will be uploaded within a specified period of time via a link that will be communicated separately with the request for portfolio submission. The maximum file size in each case is 2 GB
  • If you wish, you can include a link to other works (e.g. videos, animations, your own website).

Applicants should use the portfolio to demonstrate that they have artistic skills and can embed their visual work in appropriate social contexts.

Entrance examination

What happens after the application?

The admission procedure consists of a preliminary selection and an entrance examination.

The admission board decides upon the submitted artistic works (portfolio) whether applicants will be invited to the entrance examination. The selected applicants will get the invitation to the exam and furhter infiormation on the procedure by email.

Entrance examination:
The entrance exam generally takes place at the end of June / mid -July. It consists of:
• a two-day artistic examination throughout which candidates are given artistic tasks (drawing, painting, visual realisation of a literary work )
• a four-hour exam in which applicants have to state their motivation and interests
• an interview during which the applicant’s work samples as well as her/his motivation and interests are discussed.