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source: FG Bader

the university is a place for research, to try out and for experiments of thought. it is a particular free space for project ideas to position themselves in relation to the physical environment, social questions and the discursive world. with this free offer we want to promote experimental project ideas.

the "do what you want" project is an offer for students to develop their own project idea and to develop it. we ask for a personal preliminary talk to clear questions, possible project directions to what extent we can give the right input. our assistance takes place in consultation and in the weekly colloquium.


in addition, we offer interested students to reconsider the tasks of an art gallery in the compemporary society of the city. to what extent make social and trans-cultural changes spatial and programmary additions necessary? 

the frame of this investigation is outlined by a competition of the „Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig (GfZK)“ and aims on portraying the future perspectives of the GfZK. 

basis of the adjustment forms the present urban and functional integration of the gfzk campus, which already extends purely exhibiting functions... 


the revision of the gallery is integrated into the colloquium of „do what you want“.