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studio raumproduktion 22/23: DWYW



do what you want – how to stay open?

As part of architectural education, we see it as our task to actively shape futures, cultivate relationships and create discursive spaces. Architecture is a discipline of critical projection. Based on a critical engagement with the present and the past, we imagine possible futures. This ability is crucial in the current times of change, characterised by constant crisis conditions and scarcity of resources.

The "do what you want" studio has been around for more than five years. With this format, we aim to promote and explore experimental ideas and working methods; to encourage students to build confidence in their research skills and to develop their own creative and critical thinking. We invite students to develop their own projects and begin the process by designing the research question: What exactly do you want to explore? What methods are you interested in and what might your schedule look like?

"Do what you want" is radically individual and at the same time solidary and communal. All participants of the course give each other feedback, support each other on the way to explore the specific questions. We want the studio to be a safe space for working with uncertain outcomes and exploring sensitive questions.

In the winter semester 22/23 we combine the individual project with a joint conversation and workshop on protocols of space and of communities. How to stay open? is a question and a perspective. How can we think of spaces with open protocols? How can collective decision-making processes be designed to be accessible? How can we ourselves stay open? From the perspective of commoning, how can the group of commoners not be closed even if the shared resource is limited?

We will travel to the Performing Arts Forum (PAF) in St.Erme and spend an intensive week together (07.-13.11.22) with joint workshops and phases on your projects. Choreographer and dancer Alice Chauchat will work with us there. The PAF is a self-organised, communal place of work and exchange - the perfect setting for our studies.

Registration via Moodle
Max Participants: 12
First meeting: Tuesday 18.10. 17.00h in 401
Study day: Tuesday 10.30 - 18h
DWYW intense: 07.-13.11.22 in St. Erme – PAF



source: Alice Chauchat
source: The Sensing Salon
source: Performing Arts Forum