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A Rome-Athens-London-Paris-Moscow-Berlin-Timelinepropertymapping(2070?)

MA Seminar

In a research and mapping seminar, we will take current urban policy debates on property issues as an opportunity to undertake virtual research trips to five large cities - London, Paris, Rome, Athens, Moscow and Berlin - in different time directions. With reference to the historical, theoretical and practical contexts of the lecture, we will ask how urban design can be thought of in the context of a public-interest oriented development, in tension between emancipatory space production and financialization of spatial ressources.

On the basis of five mapping layers – open space, housing, cooperative planning approaches, labour, and neighborhood – transformative notions of property as aspects of a political economy of urban space will be collected, categorized, and interpreted. Enriched by site visits to relevant model projects of contemporary urban developments in Berlin - and elsewhere? - we speculate on a Timelinepropertymap 2070(?).

Fridays 17.00-18.30, 2 SWS 5 CP, Master

Registration at d.pelger_​​​​​​​