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Workshop: Nezaket Ekici

source: Nihad Nino Pušija

Course Description


inspired by artworks from museums

13. - 19.8.2018


The workshop is about how to develop a performance on the basis of an art object.

The participants refer to or are inspired by selected works from art history (which capture a moment in a picture or in stone) in order to generate an idea for a performance. They then learn how to present their idea with the means of performance and, in a certain sense, bring the work of art to life, for performance is essentially a temporalization of an idea and the "putting into motion" of a work of art.

As a first step the participants and the artist will together visit a museum in Berlin. The Bode Museum for example offers a large selection of paintings and sculptures and its architectural space in itself offers inspiration. (Alternatively, the Pergamonmuseum, the Gemäldegalerie or the Alte Nationalgalerie can be considered.)  The resulting performance-ideas, concepts and their implementation are then worked out in cooperation with the artist and the other participants.

The concepts, selected motifs and the workshop itself will be documented in the form of photography, text and video and will be presented together with the live performances in the form of a live-exhibition in the museum at the end of the workshop, where the participants will present their living-performance-installations simultaneously to the public for up to 2 hours.

The workshop aims at artists from the fields of sculpture, painting, photography, video and other media. Participants should be open to the topic of "performance" and should want to work with their bodies as a medium of expression.


Sign up for this workshop HERE.

Bio Lecturer

NEZAKET EKICI (born 1970, Kirsehir, Turkey) has been living in Germany since 1973. She holds an M.A. in Art Pedagogy, and studied Art History and Sculpture at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University and Fine Arts Academy Munich (1994-2000). From 2001 to 2004 she studied Performance Art under Marina Abramović at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Braunschweig. She received a degree in Fine Arts as well as an MFA degree.

Ekici’s artworks derive from multiple toppics, including everyday situations, her dual-cultural background (Turkish and German), art history, religion, culture and politics. Her performances reflect upon and are related to time, movement, space (often site-specific), material, body, action, and interaction. Her work includes mainly performances, video and installation. She presented more than 200 different performances in over 50 countries, more than 150 cities on 4 continents, in galleries, museums, at biennales and festivals. She received renowned awards like the Artist Residency Program from the German Government in Italy Villa Massimo Rom 2016/17 and at the Culture Akademie Tarabya Istanbul 2013/14.