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Alice-Samter (Stiftung der UdK Berlin)

Application for financial support from endowment funds of the UdK Berlin.

The Berlin composer Alice Samter bequeathed a considerable fortune to the Berlin University of the Arts in 1999 and 2000. This generous donation is administered in the form of a foundation under private law, which bears the name Alice Samter Foundation. The proceeds of the foundation's endowment are to be used to support students of the Faculty of Music. This is done through scholarships, one-time grants or subsidies/grants.

Prerequisite: Application according to the form, proof of qualification by means of an expert opinion issued by a subject teacher.

Alice Samter Foundation


- Support for needy music students


- Scholarships, one-time grants, subsidies/grants, prizewinner concerts.


- Proof of eligibility by subject teacher_review.

- Proof of income


- Info and application form:

Faculty of Music

Artistic Operations Office

Tel. 030 3185 2260




Central University Administration - Chancellor of the UdK, Head of the Budget Department & Budget 3 on the proposal of the Faculty of Music.

Alice Samter Chamber Music Competition

Likewise, funding is provided for the prize money of the Alice Samter Chamber Music Competition. The Berlin University of the Arts strives to cultivate the work of Alice Samter. A concert of works by the composer is held at least every two years. The inclusion of one of her works in the chamber music competition also takes this idea into account. Alice Samter's oeuvre includes compositions for many different instrumentations with piano, strings, winds and percussion.

Eligible are ensembles of all genres, three to nine persons in size, at least two-thirds of which consist of students of the Faculty of Music at the UdK Berlin. All prize-winners are obliged to participate in the prize-winners' concert.